Rhadi, Traci, and Rufus Ferguson

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy New Year

Happy New Year

Surely you know that many people didn’t make it through 2008. If you are reading this you should count it as a blessing to be here. Some were not as fortunate.

What does this mean?

Does it mean you are lucky?

Well, in my opinion, it means that you are here for a reason and that you still have some work to do on this earth.

It is my suggestion that you find out what that noble, honorable and good thing is and the things which are subsets of that and get to work on it.

Please take this time to really look at your life and what it is that you want from it.

Don’t make any New Year’s Resolutions, just do the right thing as often as you can.

If you are little bit heavier than you would like to be, please make quality decisions about your life and your health and stop making excuses.

I believe that the cartoon below says it all:

On Another Note

If you see something that needs to be done, don’t wait for someone to ask you to do it…. Just do it.

If you see a piece of paper on the ground, pick it up as if it were money and put it in the garbage can as if the garbage can was a bank.

If there’s a light on that is not in use… turn it off.

If there is a way that you can help someone, try to help them.

And in the converse, if you can pay for a service, then do the honorable thing and pay for it. Don’t try to ask for handouts all the time.

And don’t complain about how much something costs. If it costs too much for you THEN ITS NOT FOR YOU. My pastor told me that. If it was meant for you to have it, you’d have it.

When you are going through something difficult, smile. You’ll be surprised how it will change your outlook of the situation. And even if it doesn’t, you may just inspire someone else.

And most of all – don’t forget to Love. Love those around you, love those who are not around you and love the people who you are glad aren’t around you.

Take care and have a blessed and prosperous 2009.

If you have any questions about the New Year or if you are interested in giving your input before my next upcoming tele-seminar on how to make 2009 Your best year ever, then please visit http://www.AskRhadi.com and submit your questions or input.

Happy New Year,

Rhadi Ferguson

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas at the Fergusons


I know many of you like to take a "peek" inside of my home so here you go.
Check out the video....
"Christmas at the Fergusons"
You will laugh some and be surprised that we are pretty traditional in our approach to Christmas.

So here you go

Take care and have a Great New Year.

Rhadi Ferguson