Rhadi, Traci, and Rufus Ferguson

Friday, December 21, 2007

Here's How To Make 2008 Great!!


No More Empty Promises

December 31st is almost here. Champagne, parties, fireworks, the countdown to the New Year – and to top it all off, a special kiss at the stroke of midnight – no mistletoe needed! Across the country, there’s an undercurrent of hope and motivation – a chance for a fresh start.

And so, each and every year we make (and break) New Year’s Resolutions by the millions!

En masse, we jump out and make promises that we have EVERY intention of fulfilling. But usually, by the time March has rolled around, we’re right back where we started, with our empty promises mocking us with hollow glee.

The secret is finding a way to back those intentions up with discipline, while keeping things practical enough to actually become a habit.

If you’re sick and tired of making empty promises, here’s my prescription for success…


If you’re one of those guys (or gals) that has let your good intention turn into a spare tire, there are five simple ways you can make ’08 a year of the hard, hot body you’ve been dreaming about.

Numero Uno #1 Quit making excuses!

Forget waiting to finance a home gym. Don’t even wait until you can hit the gym. Work now with what you already have. No dumbbells? No problem. Fill up water bottles or dig through the pantry for a few 16 oz. cans. Take the initiative and make this the first step toward toned and tightened arms!

Look, if you don't have any space, no equipment and a little bit of time, then I've got THE BEST workout for you. And best of all, it's FREE. Just get it right HERE.

Number Two #2 Make An Appointment

Make an appointment. Right now, pull out your calendar or Palm Pilot and schedule 30 minutes or 1 hour sessions throughout available slots in your schedule. Pen it in and then follow through!

If you are having problems with commitment, then I’ve got EXACTLY what it is that you need. You need a good dose of Chump Repellent, to keep you Inner Chump at bay so you can be the Champ that you want to be. You can get that right here

Number Three #3 Do It Now, The Earlier The Better!

The earlier the better… If you want to see this year’s resolution come true, work out in the morning. Not only are you better rested in the morning, but working out first thing will energize you throughout the day and jumpstart your metabolism. Better yet, the excuse “It was a killer day at the office,” or “I’ll be later for dinner” won’t be able to stand between you and your workout.

And if you’re having a problem about going to the gym, then don’t worry about it. I’ll meet you at your house in my FREE DVD Working Out With Rhadi: The Bodyweight Workout.

Number Four #4 Recruit Someone To Help You

Buddy up! Recruit a friend to be your workout partner. There IS strength in numbers. Not only will you hold each other accountable, but you’ll also encourage and motivate each other along the way. As an added plus, you’ll likely find that having someone there to BS with can really make the time fly!

Don’t have a workout partner in mind?

I’m available 24 hours and 7 days a week.

Just invite me over.

If you need to start things off a little bit slow because you haven’t been working out for a while and want to progress on your own time, then I’ve got exactly what you need in The Backyard Workout.

Number Five #5 Maximize Your Moments! Daily Duties=Opportunities

Daily duties = Opportunities. When faced with the choice of the elevator or the stairs, hit the stairs. Quit waiting around in frustration for the best parking space and park at the far end of the lot on PURPOSE! Keep your eye out for day to day opportunities to “go the extra mile.”


If you’re already working out regularly and eating right, but you’re still not getting the results you feel you should be, the culprit may be stagnation, a.k.a. “stuck in a rut.”

Here are four ways to kick your workout into hyper-drive…

1. Shake things up! If you’re bored with your workout, or things just seem to have lost their spark, change your routine. Add in a new exercise; play around with your sets, reps and the rest you take in between. Alter your bench incline to see what happens. Enroll in one of those trendy classes most gyms now offer. The key to success is keeping things fun.

What I did for the heck of it is train for and complete a marathon.

Quite honestly, I was getting tired of the bands, the medicine balls, the weights, the same old workouts, so I change it up a bit. I finished something that I always wanted to do, I found something else that I’m passionate about and I ACTUALLY look forward to working out and lifting some weight again. (I took a year break from lifting weights.)

2. Are you slacking in the stretching and warm-up departments? Quit skimping! All you’ll need are an extra three to five minutes. Not only can this prevent soreness and injury, but it can also boost the effectiveness of your core workout as well.

3. Sometimes, distraction is a good thing. To pass the time, take your iPod along to your workout. Upload your favorite playlist and get in the “zone”, or train your brain while you’re at it, with books on tape or CDs that teach you another language. Maximize your time!

This would be a great time to listen to Chump Repellent. If you’re a grappler or Judoka, this is an excellent opportunity to listen to the advice provided in The Gold Mettle Plan.

4. Pump yourself up! Don’t wait around for someone else to do it for you. Take matters into your own hands! Remind yourself how great you feel after a workout. Pose for pictures that track your progress and post them all over! When someone tells you how great you’re looking, don’t be humble – pat yourself on the back! You’ve worked hard – take pride in your accomplishment.


There’s no elevator to the top in this game.

Each step takes blood, sweat and sometimes, tears.

Don’t let anybody lie to you – it won’t be easy!

But it WILL be worth it.

And I’ll be there with you….. Every Step Of The Way.

May God Bless you and keep you as you enter into the New Year.

Take care,
Rhadi Ferguson


P.S. On January 9th, I'm having a FREE No-Charge Teleseminar on the Topic: "How To Make 2008 Your Best Year Ever" I'll keep you informed, it will be something that you will not want to miss!! Quite honestly, I'm expecting you to be there. Especially, if you want to make 2008 your best year ever.

P.P.S. Remember January 9th at 9pm EST. I'll give you all the details later.