Rhadi, Traci, and Rufus Ferguson

Friday, August 24, 2007

The Ferguson Family Takes a Stroll in the Park

Rufus and I joined Rhadi on his biweekly run through the park. While Rhadi was running laps up and down the hills surrounding the park, Rufus and I spent some quality time on the swings and monkeybars. Rufus is finally big enough to be on the swing by himself and he just enjoyed watching the other little kids play on the slides while he watched out for his daddy rounding the corner behind him.

Rufus caught on quickly by watching the other older kids kick their legs back and forth to get the momentum to continue swinging. Here he kicks forward and leans back...

...and then leans his upper body forward to complete the pendulum movement....

And there he goes...

Rhadi finished his four laps within 30 minutes and then spent some time playing with Little Rufus before we all headed back in the car for the drive home.

It's amazing how these little trips to the park, to the supermarket....to wherever can brighten up your day. This past week has been incredibly busy at work with several of my colleagues taking vacation so that means more back to back days of work and longer days working up to 14 hours. But when I look around and see my husband working out and staying in shape and gaze down and see Little Rufus enjoying his time on the swing...all the extra stress from the day just fades away!

Rufus is much more active now so Rhadi recently registered him for a playgym where he can interact and play with other kids his age. Rufus enjoys climbing up the slides, playing on the jungle gym and finding any and everything to get into. Rufus loves running around the gym and having fun with the kids and of course, after class he never wants to leave.

I'm on my way right now to get Rufus ready for "class" at the playgym. The gym is a wonderful place where he can explore, discover new things and all with his mommy or daddy by his side. And yes, Rhadi takes him almost everyday....so it's daddy and son together playing....it's a lovely and heart-warming sight. What a wonderful husband and father!

So until next time...

Traci, better known as Rufus' mom


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