Rhadi, Traci, and Rufus Ferguson

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Father's Day is coming soon!

Father's day is coming soon and in my home when I was growing up we would celebrate Father's Day by FIRST and foremost, giving honor to The Father by attending church and honoring my earthly father, my pop, by either going out to dinner or providing him with gifts and pampering him around the house.

When I was growing up, I never knew what my father wanted for Father's Day. There just aren't an array of goodies to provide Dad like there are for mom. (I guess real Dad's don't worry about what they need, but about what you need. That was very apparent in my home.)

I mean after buying a couple bottles of cheap cologne year after year and getting pop the oh-so-ugly fat tie. What's left? Try as hard as we might, there is no card, gift, phone call or amount of money that can actually amount to all the things that many of our fathers have done for us.

As I play with my son on some mornings I wonder if he'll do the same for his son and I often wonder what was going through my dad's head when he was bouncing me up and down on his chest. Because a mere smile or giggle from my son just puts me on cloud 9 (and sometimes 10).

To be completely honest with you, you never really think about death and/or dying like you do when you have children. And I don't mean it in a negative way but in a positive one.

You really start to search in the cracks and crevices of your mind - the things that you must and need to instill in the mind of this little person that you've been blessed with so that he or she will become a good citizen, a good person. You start to catalog the pieces of wisdom that you must impart and then you provide those issuances accordingly.

You also want to create a platform from which they can survive if you had to "leave" here. You really get your priorities in order -BIG TIME!!

Well, I couldn't really tell you all of the things my pop provided me with when I was growing up but I can tell you this - I love my ole man som'n serious. He and I have a great time and a bunch of laughs together. My mom always tells me that when he "leaves" here, I'm going to have it a lot rougher than her. And you know what, she may be right. But right now he's here and I love him and call him everytime time permits. And he's the main reason why I named my son after him.

So as Father's Day nears, I would encourage you to take some time out and reflect on all the things that your Father has done for you and that your father has done for you ;-)

And I'd like to share this video with you below. It's quite a tear jerker. It got me and I'm not the cryin' type.

Take care,

Rhadi Ferguson (a.k.a. Rufus' son and Rufus' dad)


  • Man that's true love, it brought a tear to my eye too. It made me wish I'd had a Dad when I was young.
    Happy early Pop's day, make it a good one!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 7:54 AM  

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