Rhadi, Traci, and Rufus Ferguson

Sunday, March 25, 2007

One of the best days of my life......


On the 5th of April on 2006 I really understood what it really meant to be in love. The depth of my love and respect for my wife broadened to a level that I never knew possible and my heart widened to a capacity that I never thought imaginable as I watched my wife deliver my son under the direction and watchful care of our physician and by the guiding and comforting hand of God.

The most beautiful thing about this day was that it was the day that the Ferguson .358 was constructed.

Many of you are familar with the .358 magnum. It's a gun that was invented in 1959. But the Ferguson .358 is us. It is our family and the reason why it is called Ferguson .358 is because I was born on the 3rd of April, our son Rufus was born on the 5th of April and my wife Traci was born on the 8th of April. Thus - Ferguson .358 :-)

Well as the 5th of April nears I'm getting excited. I'm going to do something super exciting in my businesses to celebrate my son's birthday and we are going to celebrate his birthday with a birthday party. It's going to be a great time. I'm super excited.

Right now, I'm out of town in Washington, DC on business and I really want to get back home to see my wife and son. It's really miserable when I'm away from them, but my business requires that I travel some, albeit not as much as I did when I was training for the Olympics in 2004.

But, what are you gonna do? I gotta pay the bills :-)

The past year with my son has been a ball. Reading to him, playing with him, wrestling on the floor and evening cleaning up his piss and poop has been an absolute joy. Even now as he's turning out living room into a disaster sight, he's still an absolute joy to have around. I really can't wait to get back home so I can hug and kiss my wife and my son and roll around on the floor with my son and wrestle with him.

Here's Rufus when he was helping with my Comprehensive Exam back in April/May of 2005

Here's a pic of Traci and I with Rufus at my Brazilian Jiujitsu Black Belt Promotion Ceremony last year. (Rufus didn't want to be still for the picture).

Well, Traci and I will keep you posted on the birthday plans for Rufus.

With Love,

The Fergusons


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